Local Habits

Like every other country, the people of Gozo have their own local habits. We like to stick with our own way of life, the way we talk, the food we eat, and the chill out period at the village square.

One of the reasons to travel is to learn and gain knowledge about other countries. This includes culture, traditions, food, and so on. So, feel free to participate and live like a Gozitan for a couple of days.

We like to take life easy, especially during the hot summer months. Local folks like to meet at the village square and spend hours chatting with each other about any subject it may be.

However, most people act differently behind the wheel. They drive fast, and sometimes crazy. 

a collection of two pictures showing different things

If you decide to rent a car or scooter, it is best to go with the flow. And if the car behind you behaves crazy, let it pass. Also, do not mind cars behind you if they decide to sound the horn over and over again. 

a traffic sign on a pole at the side of the road

Driving is done on the left, so keep an eye not to hit the pavement or other parked cars. I always go to full insurance if I rent a car, just in case the unexpected happens.

A siesta is a common practise on the island. During the summer, the long sunny days will make you tired. Taking a nap in the early afternoon will get your energy up. Keep in mind to stay sheltered from the might of the sun during the peak of the day.

a woman taking a nap on a hammock

We like to spend the late evening with friends or family. During the summer I frequently go to the beach. While in the colder months we meet in a public garden. It is local custom to take food with us. Most often it is local bread with olive oil and tomatoes, capers and olives. The simplicity of the food tastes wonderful whilst sitting at the beach or under a tree. 

A local habit during the summer months is to hold a BBQ near the sea side. It is practiced by locals. My family and I have been doing BBQs for as long as I can remember. Just the smell of the grilled meat will open your appetite. Local Maltese sausages is a must at every BBQ. I highly suggest you try the local sausages (Zalzett in Maltese) with bread. It is best served alone, rather than mixed with other types of meat.

roasted rabbit and potatoes served in a plate

Rabbit is considered a local delicacy. You can not say that you visited Gozo if you have not tried a rabbit dish. It is a traditional dish, which takes over 2 hours of slow cooking in oil and wine to get the meat tender. I suggest you try a traditional rabbit dish from a local family or a reputable establishment offering traditional services.

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