Ix-Xatt l-Ahmar

a rocky beach on the island of gozo

Ix-Xatt l-Ahmar bay is found on the Southern coast of Gozo, close to the ferry terminal. The winding road down to the beach may discourage some. In fact few tourists are seen in the area. 

The name Ix-Xatt l-Ahmar means Red Port. Legend tells a story about a big battle against the Ottomans that the sea turned red with the blood of the fallen ones. Today it is a peaceful location ideal to relax where I enjoy spending my evenings. 

a mosaic with a welcome message

Westward of the bay is a popular diving site with shipwrecks. Being a diver myself, I can assure you that diving here is stupendous as long as you have the skill to dive below 30 meters of depth.

The bay is rocky and shallow, with clear water. Snorkeling is lovely with a possibility to spot some local octopus. On the further side of the bay, decorated boat houses are present which hide a tiny secret beach

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