Xaghra Stone Circle

The Xaghra Stone Circle is another unique archaeological site. It is also known as the Xaghra Hypogeum by the locals. This site is the only prehistoric stone enclosed hypogeum in Europe. 

a series of open caves

The hypogeum is made by a series of natural caves. It was used as a funeral complex, and people were buried in this site. The wall enclosure is dated at 3000 BC, back to the Neolithic Era. The dead body was not buried whole, but rather cut into separate pieces and buried in different parts of the complex.

restoration of underground caves

The care takers of the place used to cut through the rock to expand the hypogeum. This was also done to prepare more burial places. The removal of rock weakened the structure especially the roof. Megaliths were also placed inside the cave in an attempt to support the roof. Eventually the complex collapsed around 2000 BC. Nowadays, the site is closed for the public.

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