Village Feasts in Gozo

the statue of Saint Mary during the village feast in front of the church

The village feasts in Gozo are a big tradition which has been going on for many centuries. The celebration is mainly religious and is dedicated to the Patron Saint of the village. Along the years, the festivities have grown, and also become more commercialized. 

Feasts are celebrated on a number of days. Each day has its own particular purpose. Before the start of the occasion, the village residents will place some decoration along the facade of their houses. Extensive decorations are put in place along the streets that marches pass through. Pedestals with statues are put on the curb side, sometimes taking the whole space. Overhead you will see decorations with lights. 

street decoration during a village feast in gozo

Unique craftsmanship can be appreciated in the street decorations. Also, the village squares will be lightened up and decorated with ornaments that have been passing through generations for many years. 


the final stage of Saint Mary feast on the island of Gozo

Marches and processions are organized each day of the celebration. Along with the village residents, the Saint statue will be carried out of the main church and round the core parts of the village. Priests and other members of the church will be participating. A well organized band, will be playing various instruments along the processions. 

A Yearly Event

a picture of an old calendar

Village feasts are organized every year. Each village has a particular week in which to prepare and organize the feast. Some minor festivities are done during the winter season. However, during the summer, village feasts come with great enthusiasm and participation. Although Gozo is small, there is always a feast to attend during the weekend. The village opening the feast season will be Munxar which is celebrated at the end of May. The turn passes from one village to another until the closing feast of Our Lady of Graces in Kapuccini closes the season in September. 


colorful display of fireworks at gozo village feast

Fireworks entertainment is an integral part of the celebration. It has been a tradition for hundreds of years. The locals do love fireworks. In recent years, more sophisticated fireworks shows are being organized. These will display spectacular colorful patterns over the dark sky at night. 

You have to attend a feast while staying on Gozo. The event is fun and joyful. This occasion gives international visitors a great opportunity to learn about our local culture, customs, and traditions. Kiosks will be numerous, selling fast food, local food, and sweets. You will definitely find a village feast going on during the summer months, so let’s go!!

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