South Trekking Route

a rough walking route on the island of Gozo

The south trekking route is one of the most popular routes. Many international visitors of the island walk this route as it starts from Mgarr Ferry Terminal. From there, follow the narrow path to Gorgun bay which passes under the fortified walls of Fort Chambray. 

Fort Chambre in the background with green fields in front

This is one of the easiest routes to walk. Also, the idea of heading south gives you the impression of going downhill. The route treks along some rocky beaches. If you plan to do it during the mid season, the beaches will be deserted. This will provide a quieter experience. 

Passing near Ras il-Hobz beach, you may encounter people swimming with their beloved pets, as this is a dog friendly beach. Heading westward, you will encounter Mgarr x-Xini Watch Tower guarding the entrance of the valley. From here, the path takes you inland until you can cross over the valley. 

a trekking route on the south of Gozo heading to a watch tower

After reaching this point, the next location is Sanap cliff. The sharp cliff edge can be accessed from different points. It may be wise to find an accommodation in the neighboring village to rest for the next portion of the trekking

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