North Trekking Route

some limestone rock formation on Gozo near Wied il-Mielah

The north trekking route is my favorite route to walk on Gozo. You will start by a quiet and peaceful walk through Wied il-Mielah. At the end of the valley, an iconic window, a rock formation sculptured by weather erosion awaits you. 

Heading East, the path is wide and easy to walk. You can always observe some marine caves, and other rock formation. Ghasri valley is next in line with its small pebbled beach and crystal clear water. During the summer season, you will find people swimming in the gorge as the sea is very inviting. 

Wied l-Ghasri in Gozo having clear crystal sea

The famous Salt Pans are found along the route. Next to them are other beaches and the White Hillock. Marsalforn village will give you a touristic welcome with more beaches, restaurants and bars. The once quiet fishermen village has turned into a hot tourist location. 

After a refreshment in the coastal village, your next destination is Ghajn Barrani, a small secluded bay hidden by the hill. Most probably you will not find anyone here. Accessing the bay can be done from a road at Xaghra village. Else, there is a small coastal path between Marsalforn and the bay. However, this path although adventurous can get dangerous in certain parts. 

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