
munxar village on gozo

Munxar, located Southwest of Rabat, is found between 2 parallel valleys. It is one of the smallest villages on the island, yet with picturesque views of the country side and the sea.

In the village pjazza, there is a baroque style parish church, which is dedicated to St Paul.

Sanap Cliffs

Sanap Cliffs, also known as Ta’ Ċenċ cliffs, are on the southern part of the village, consists of garigue and cliffs which rise 120meters from sea level, making it the highest cliffs in Gozo. BirdLife International considers this area as an IBA (Important Bird Area), since they support hundreds of shearwaters birds.

Archaeological remains have also been found in this area, including Borġ l-Imramma (the remains of an Mġarr phase megalithic temple), two dolmens dating back to the Tarxien Cemetery phase as well as a few cart ruts.

These cliffs offer an amazing walk with spectacular views of Xlendi Bay as well as the nature surrounding the cliffs. You can also enjoy the amazing view of sunset from these areas.


Xlendi is typical Gozitan fishing village, which forms part of Munxar, offering several lovely swimming spots. It is also popular for both snorkeling and diving, offering various caves which can be admired.

Guarding the entrance from the open sea to the bay, one can find Gozo’s oldest coastal tower, which is often open for visitors – having a flying flag on the pole would show that the tower is open for visitors.

Xlendi’s church is dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and is situated at the tip of the valley, just before the rain water joins the Mediterranean waters. Right next to the church, one can also find a windmill, etched in the natural rocks.

Being a touristic place, Xlendi also offers a vast selection of different restaurants which offer different cuisines as well as bars and hotels.

Activities around the year

St Paul’s feast – celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of May

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