Il-Qolla s-Safra

a hillock with cactus trees infront of it

Il-Qolla s-Safra as known by the locals is one of two hillocks of Gozo. The other one is called the White Hillock. As you can see, the Yellow Hillock got its name from the color of the landmark.

This particular hillock has a very distinctive figure, different from its white partner. The White hillock resembles more like a mushroom with a flattened top. The Yellow Hillock has a more pointed summit. Also, the composition of the hill has a twisted terrain, which is very particular. 

The distinctive yellow color of this hillock originates from its material. Mainly made of “yellow rock”, the official name of this rock is Green Sand. It is a very weak rock which is not good for construction. Also, it contains many fossilized sea shells. 

the summit of a yellow hillock

The yellow hillock also takes part in local Gozitan myths. 

The hillock should be approached from the road adjacent to it. Climbing the landmark is easy and requires no special training or equipment. As the terrain is heavily twisted, it is easily to follow a ridge up the hill

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