Gozo Salt Pans

salt pans in Gozo

The Gozo Salt Pans are a famous stop to all visitors of the island. The simple process of salt production has been going on for centuries. 

Trekking around the island’s coastline you will see numerous small salt pans. Most of which are not taken care of nowadays. However, the biggest group of salt pans is found to the north. In this location you’ll find a vast area of square like shape hewed into the bed rock.

a coastline with salt pans over clear blue seas.

The process is quite simple. Sea water is poured into the squares. The intense heat of the sun warms it up and evaporates the water, leaving a tiny layer of crystal mineral behind. The process is repeated again until enough salt can be gathered. 

xwejni bay, a pebble beach with clear blue waters,

The site is about 300 years old, and has been passed on through generations. Nowadays it has become a tourist attraction. Located near Xwejni bay, one can take a plunge at the nearby beach to refresh from the heat of the sun.

The Mediterranean salt is one of the best salts in the world. Local and international tourists buy the popular salt to season their dishes. It is a local habit for us Gozitans to use a lot of salt with our food. Sometimes….if a dish is not salty, it is not good 🙂 

a bowl of salt with a wooden spoon inside
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