Gozo in Summer

a sunny sandy beach

In summer, temperatures are quite high in Gozo and can range between 22˚C and 40˚C in a day.  Due to the humidity the temperatures feel different than they actually are. In summer they feel hotter than they are. Also, temperatures are usually recorded in the shade, which means that if you are enjoying your day in the sun, the temperature would feel even hotter. If ever there is wind, it will not be strong which means that it will not affect your plans. The worst-case scenario will be that if you plan to go swimming, you will need to change your swimming bay.

  • Temperatures sometimes peak over 40 degrees. This is becoming common because of climate change
  • Wind is slack and variable, usually during summer it is southernly wind, which brings more heat, humidity, and lots of dust from the Sahara Dessert.
  • No clouds at all, so it may be good to find shade around noon, and hire an umbrella at the beach.
  • Protect the young children and elderly persons
  • Be careful when visiting Comino as there is no natural shade, and temperatures feel even warmer
  • Go heavy on water and drink plenty.
  • Avoid heavy lunches, do not carry food around in the heat. Better to buy some takeaway from a snack bar or kiosk.
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