Easter in Gozo

a man with a roman empire costume during a play

Easter is a special period on the island of Gozo. As the vast majority of the population is Roman Catholic, the festivity of Easter is heavily celebrated. 

The occasion represents the passion and crucifixion of Christ. On the final day, Jesus rose from his tomb to heaven. Local habits change for this particular week. Like for example it is tradition that no meat is eaten. 

Processions around the village

a catholic procession

Several processions take place on different days of the Holy Week. This old local custom is done in most villages around Gozo. 


a statue with different biblical personage

Exhibitions by local artist are plentiful. Although the topic of each exhibition is Easter, different artist use their unique artistic talent to produce varied pieces of art.


a pageant during Easter time

A yearly reenactment of the passion of the Christ takes places along the streets of Victoria which attracts hundreds of people.  

Easter Sweets

an Easter sweet with almond filling

Local bakeries bake traditional sweet for the Easter period, like “Figolli“.

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