In Gozo

Christmas in Gozo is not just putting up your Christmas tree. The Christmas season brings lots of joy and the island of Gozo prepares itself for this magical period. 

During this time, the main streets of the island are decorated with Christmas ornaments and lights. As the winter days are short and sunset occurs early, this leaves plenty of time in the evening to enjoy the decorations. The squares near the churches will host a pop up Christmas village and extra decorations. On some days, photo-shoots are organized for children. During the last week before Christmas day, music and carols are sang in the evening. 

Private residences add up to the public decorations. Houses are decorated in style. A sense of competition emerges each year between neighbors, as everyone adds more lights and ornaments every year.

During your visit on Gozo you can pass by the Villa Rundle in Victoria. The national park would be decorated for the occasion. On certain days you will find the Christmas market open. Close to Christmas day, concerts will be held. 

As the island of Gozo is mainly Catholic, the residents do take part in the church activities. It is also a tradition that everyone heads on to attend the midnight mass on Christmas eve. All churches will be stacked full of people and it is normal to end up standing by the door or out on the parapet. 

a ceremony in a catholic church with statue of baby Jesus

It is local custom to spend Christmas’ eve’s dinner with friends. After the midnight mass, many head to bars at the village square to party and drink. This usually keeps on going throughout the night.

a family gathering over lunch

Christmas day is family gathering time. The whole family will meet up at the grand parents house. The daily dinner table that usually accommodates 6 people will have to cope with a much bigger number of people around it as all uncles, cousins, and nephews join in. After lunch, gifts and sweets are exchanged.

Cribs of various sizes and details will be on display around the island during the month of December. It is worth to visit Bethlehem in Ghajnsielem an animated nativity village. Visitors can enter the area and walk along the numerous attractions and buildings in this village. 

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