Ftira tal-Gobon

ftira tal-gobon gozo

The local ftira is the Maltese version of the Italian pizza. However, there are some differences in between the two. The ftira’s dough does not contain yeast, so it remains more flat and gets harder when cooked. 

You will find two versions of the local traditional ftira. One of them is the Ftira tal-Gobon, “Cheese Ftira”, which is made with local goat cheese. It will not contain any sauce or other items except potato slices between the dough base and the cheese. The dough is opened wide enough, so that after placing the cheese in the middle, the sides are folded back inwards. 

This is definitely a must try for all cheese lovers. You can taste it from the local bakeries in the villages. The other version is the Ftira tas-Sardin

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