Village Feast

a feast procession with statue

Gozo hosts numerous events throughout the year. The locals do enjoy to organize and participate in celebrations. This is done with great enthusiasm especially when it is a religious celebration. 

All the villages around the island will host a yearly feast or two. This is done to honor the Patron Saint of the village. The main church, which usually occupies the center of the village, will be dedicated to this particular Saint. 

As competition between neighboring villages has been on for centuries, it is common that such feast comes with great expense. During your stay in Gozo I suggest that you attend the feast being organized at that time. You can be certain to find the following:


a band member playing his instrument during a march

Marches are organized on every day of the feast. The village band will be composed of numerous members playing different instruments along the streets. 


a procession with priest existing the church of Loretu in Gozo

The Patron Saint statue along with a number of priests and other members of the church will form a procession around the old part of the village. It is custom for the residents to follow behind the statue. 

Street Decoration

street decoration during a village feast in gozo

The streets will be heavily decorated with pedestals, statues, and lights. 


a fireworks display during the village feast of Nadur, Gozo

No fireworks…no feast. Fireworks are an essential part of every village feast, and will show a magnificent display. A number of food kiosks will operate next to the village center serving food and drinks. 

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