Gozo in Winter

dark winter clouds over the sea

In winter, temperatures can range between 9˚C and 16˚C in a day. As the island is humid, the temperatures feel cooler than they are. Often, in winter there is also a slight to moderate wind . This means that when it comes to packing, one must keep this in mind.

  • Prevailing wind dominates the scenery
  • Wind is mainly from the North West, making it cold and less humid
  • Wind from the North is quite rare. However, when this is the case, it would be cold and dry which increases the need for skin lotion.
  • Rain showers are common, thunderstorms not so much.
  • Climate change is pushing the weather to be drier, which is leaving a bad impact on agriculture
  • Light jackets are usually enough during the day.
  • Although drinking water is essential all year round, the intake tends to decrease during the winter months.
  • Trousers and long sleeves
  • Gloves and beanes are not required
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