Mushroom Rock

the mushroom rock on the island of gozo

The famous Mushroom Rock of Gozo is located West of Wied il-Mielah. It is located in a very remote location, and very close to the cliff edge. 

To find this point of interest, you need to walk for about 30 minutes. The nearest parking spot would be in Wied il-Mielah valley. It is a good location to view the sunset with your loved ones. 

a sunset after a landmark

The Mushroom Rock is a pure example of weather erosion. Being so exposed, it is subject to the prevailing wind from the North West. Sculptured by nature, this formation resembles the shape of a mushroom. The lower part of the shape is made with soft Globigerina limestone. This rock is soft and fragile and gives off easily with erosion. The upper rounded part is Coralline limestone which is hard and long lasting. Having this particular composition and continuous weather exposure, a mushroom shape was formed. 

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