
History is a never ending subject on the island of Gozo. For all the history lovers, Gozo offers a vast and extensive history. Following are the best historic sites that one must visit on Gozo. 

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  • Dates back to the 3600 BC
  • Oldest religious temple in the world
  • One of the oldest free standing temples
  • Very good state of preservation
  • Dates back to the 3000 BC
  • A funeral complex enclosed by a wall
  • The only prehistoric stone enclosed hypogeum in Europe.
  • Complex collapsed around 2000 BC
  • Dated 4000 BC
  • Located on the South part of Gozo
  • Typical design of a south facing doorway and oval courtyard
  • Site not yet excavated
  • Difficult to find without knowledge of the area. 
  • Dates back to 1500 BC
  • Found on a promontory in the limits of San Lawrenz village
  • The site consists of remains of a Punic Roman Sanctuary
  • Built by the Order of St. John in 1730
  • One of the two remaining batteries on Gozo.
  • Accessible by following the South East Trekking Route
  • Known by the locals as “Ir-Rook”
  • Built in 1715 for coastal fortification
  • Building was drastically changed in 1970 for a discotheque purpose
  • Located on a hill 160 meters above sea level on the outskirts of Ghasri village
  • Built during the British rule
  • An earlier lighthouse occupied the same site
  • The Citadel is the old city of Gozo
  • Dates back many centuries
  • The city has evolved and changed through the years
  • Inside the walls, you will find the Cathedral and other museums 
  • Mostly were wind powered or with donkeys
  • The Xewkija windmill is the latest renovated windmill
  • A unique mechanical windmill is in Xlendi

Watch towers were built in coastal areas, usually near a bay. These were part of the Coastal Fortification project by the Knights of St. John. The purpose of the these towers were to defend the coast or to alert the military of an approaching Corsair ship. 

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